Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Oh, I forgot to mention how much I love Esther Binstock.
I love Esther Binstock.
She is, by far, the most genuine person I know. I've known her since I was eight and I am blessed enough to be able to call her a friend. 
She's just the kind of person I can go to with anything. There are things I've told her I have told no one else. Secrets capable of making me want to hide under a rock if discovered by the public.
I love how I can get the most honest opinions from her no matter what.

Why the random burst of appreciation, you may ask?
Well, we were talking last night and I decided that this was the best way to show my gratitude. She's just this amazing, awesome, wonderful person. And I love her.

1 comment:

Girl #42 said...


No, I am NOT crying. It's just...something...in my eye...something very, very wonderful and much better than I deserve...*sniffle*

You, missy, get your very own post tomorrow. Because I want to say too much right now, and it's bedtime, and this is a comment.