I'm soo tan!
Today I went to the Gay pride parade with Sophie. Her Church marches every year. we marched with them and handed out colorful beads and frisbees. I wore my tye dye shirt and a rainbow feather boa and a rainbow headband. Esther met up with us too: I am soo glad she got to march. We had so much fun together, laughing and talking and screaming. She's so awesome.
Walking in the gay pride parade is amazing. I did it last year too, and it just keeps getting better. Lets just say I get a little crazy...dancing and giving the parade spectators high-fives and screaming and waving my boa around. By the end I couldn't see straight from all my screaming and I was light headed. I think I did a good job showing my happy pride.
Funny thing is I don't care at all that 12,000 bostonians think I'm a lesbian. I kind of like it actually in a way. It's well worth it if it means I get to show my support for a cause I really believe in- HUMAN RIGHTS.
I think every person should be able to fall in love with who they choose. When I look at anti-gay propaganda it never makes sense. It seems so infantile and uneducated. It's no wonder the state with the smartest people is also the state that is the most accepting.
I got this from the National Organization for Mairrage's website (an anti-gay marriage organization):
“How will my same-sex marriage hurt your marriage?” Same-sex marriage advocates
want to force everyone to dramatically and permanently alter our definition of marriage
and family. The great, historic, cross-cultural understanding of marriage as the union
of husband and wife will be called bigotry in the public square. The law will teach your
children and grandchildren that there is nothing special about mothers and fathers raising
children together, and anyone who thinks otherwise is a bigot.
This, of course, is total BULLSHIT. The website basically says that gay and lesbian people should not 'redefine marriage for all of us' and that gay marriage will take away the beliefs/rights of people that are against it. What about people who are FOR it? Why do anti-gay marriage people think their views are so much more important that ours?
The website is actually so childish and incoherent I have trouble putting into words what I think of it. Even explaining this is hard. Basically, their excuses are dumb and selfish. Look for yourself. It just makes me feel good that they have such little evidence to base upon.
I could go on for days about this issue. Anyways, afterwards marlees came to my house and we studied for italian. then, my mom made bacon and eggs for dinner.
good day :)
*high five*
I agree with ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING you've said except for one teeny thing: I don't think Massachusetts is the smartest or most accepting state.
Hate me all you want, but I'm a conservative (NO, NOT ON SOCIAL ISSUES!), and Massachusetts hasn't been all too "accepting" of myself and my views.
Back to what we agree on... when I read the National Organization for Marriage thing that you posted, I had the urge to ask you if you made it up. Not because I think you did, but because it sounds so insanely ludicrous. I mean, THEY'RE calling people bigoted? God, where does the hypocrisy END?!?
I agree. MA, while being very accepting, has always been hypocritical in their way of not accepting other political parties or beliefs. I think MA, especially cambridge, needs to remember that people's political beliefs aren't completely polarized. For example, I have an aunt whose an EXTREME right winged republican, yet she is obsessed with saving the planet and recycling.
While she can be contradictory, the point is she doesn't fit the exact mold.
It seems like you're like that too- you're conservative on some things but not on all.
Anyways, I wanted to say that I do agree MA is not very accepting to people with different political beliefs- it's ridiculous! I think part of accepting people is also accepting people who do not have your same values.
Also- I didn't make it up! I swear it's on the website. The whole site sounds like that! Crazy, right?
Haha, I was in Cambridge today. I love it; it's so fun, regardless of its politics (I saw a T-shirt that said "the world's most opinionated zipcode") -but then again, I guess it's like most college areas.
You are SO RIGHT about political beliefs not being polarized. You stated it very well. That's one thing that bugs me about political parties -it's hard to fit in as a moderate, because someone's always going to hate you for one view you have on an issue. Ah, well -I'm fine having nuanced views :D
And about the National Organization for Marriage (kind of misleading name, don't ya think?)... I checked out their site and it's... hilariously frightening. They keep bringing up the point that kids need moms and dads -but what's the difference between having a mom and a dad or a mom and a mom, or a dad and a dad? How does it affect one's upbringing? I mean, on the bright side, at least they were only talking about marriage, not domestic partnerships and health benefits and such, but the whole feel of it was so... wrong. I don't think that if you support that organization you're necessarily a bigot, but I think you're pretty mislead about what it means to be gay or lesbian.
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