Friday, June 12, 2009

Too crazy.

I just took a nap.

So I found out yesterday they're making a full out, action, in-theaters movie about my grandfather and his gangster squad unit.
My grandfather, the original member, will be the star character.
 He fought Mafia members in LA back in the 1950's. Ten years ago, a LA times writer decided to do a story about my grandfather and his unit. It took him until 2008. It was a 7 part piece and it was AMAZING. My grandfather was so awesome.
It was cool because most of the pictures used in the articles are sitting in my living room.
Anyways, Warner Brothers bought the rights to the story and now is going to make a movie about it.
wicked. fucking. awesome.

However, they are yet to contact my mother, which her and I find really annoying. She knew him better than almost anyone, and she and I both agree that she could really help add to the movie and give some advice on how to not make it crappy. And, if they make it based after she was born, there will be a good chance they're going to need a young Martha character as they will probably add in their personal lives at least a little bit.
And, if they want to add some sex and romance, they're going to need a Connie, my grandmother. She was unbelievably gorgeous. All the good things about my body I inherited from her.

I really hope, if the movie goes through and doesn't fall under they contact my mom, and let my mom at least 'pick out' whose going to play Grandpa Jack. At least tickets to the premire. Something.
Come on, its about her father for gods sake,

This is just to weird to write about. You know when you daydream and wonder what it would be like to have a movie made about you?

Well that has come to life.



Girl #42 said...

I love this. You HAVE to tell me more about all of this, because I have a jillion questions. Also, can they get someone to play Little Sierra in the future?

Meg said...