Saturday, September 5, 2009

glass half full of NASTY WATER

I'm trying to be in a good mood because i am very happy except that sucky things have happened to me and i want to scream.

1. last night i was swinging on a swing and the seat CAME OFF the chains. I literally had to grasp onto the chains while the seat fell from under me. i then landed on my back and my hands were numb. 

2. My earring holder fell onto the floor and exploded everywhere. All earrings were recovered except one of my diamond earrings my dad gave to me for christmas. It is hiding in my room somewhere.

3. I bought Snow Leopord for my mac, and when i put the disk in to download my macbook scratched the living daylights out of it so now the disk is unusable. i had to call and get them to send me another one which cost me $16!

4. i lost my graphing calculator and therefore will need to buy a new one. out of my own money. which i do not have a lot of.


on the bright side i had a wonderful time with marlees yesterday and we laughed so much i completely forgot i am starting junior year and will have soo much work!

school starts on tuesday and i couldn't be more excited! I have amazing teachers, classes, and soo many people are in them too. I can't wait to start student government and mentoring, and to have dance company start up again. I am so lost without it! 

Being back in cambridge is so amazing. I love my home! 

1 comment:

Rose Schutzberg said...

Your post has just made me the most excited person to start school in the whole entire world!